Here is how you can download and install Macbook Pro Drivers on Windows 8 Consumer Preview or Windows 7:

- Download Bootcamp 4.0 Drivers, here’s a link on some Apple CDN for the .pkg file containing the drivers: pHsgXkgPYg/BootCampESD.pkg -
Open this file with 7Zip in Windows: -
Open “BootCampESD.pkg” in 7Zip then navigate and extract:
“BootCampESD.pkg\Payload\Payload~\.\Library\Application Support\BootCamp\WindowsSupport.dmg\0.Apple_ISO“ - Rename the file from 0.Apple_ISO to BootCamp4.iso
- Extract the iso (“BootCamp4.iso”) with 7Zip to a folder.
From the Windows start menu, search for “cmd”, and right-click to run as administrator.
Navigate to the extracted folder, for example:
cd “WindowsSupport\Drivers\Apple” - From the prompt in that folder, run “msiexec /i BootCamp64.msi”